
A boy..

.. should be like what ?

That question goes around in my mind like all the time the last days and for me there are some features a boy(friend) definetely needs : P

Even though noone will read it I feel like writing it down.

- he has to care for the ONE girl

- he has to make her laugh even though she's close to tears

- he has to tell her how much he loves her without beeing to kitschy

- he has to fight for her

- he has to suprise her with small (personal) presents (e.g. letters) or activitys

- he has to listen to her very closly

- he has to quarrel her sometimes

- he has to tell her how beautiful she looks today

- he has to invite her sometimes

- he has to introduce her to his friends

- he has to be honest no matter what

- he has to hold her hand no matter who's next to him

- he has to be faithfull

maybe I missed some points but I think those 'abilitys' are very important to be happy together


Lai ♫ said...

und das kann deine beziehung alles aufweisen?XD
ich will doch hoffen, obwohl mir manche sachen nicht so wichtig sind.

Piia said...

Ich glaub eher genau das eben nicht?

Menschen sind leider nicht perfekt.
Tritt dem Herrn mal ordentlich in den Arsch sonst schmeiß ich den irgendwann in den Rhein, wenn du wegen dem immer i.welchen Kummer hast >O<"""

Der soll sich mal glücklich schätzen und nicht immer zwischen Heiraten und zusammen ziehen und seinem " Stern" oder so nem scheiß schwanken..