
Waaah .. my weekend was so .. full and .. exhausting XD
honestly i'm so dead ..
Friday was the 18th birthday party of a classmate and since i'm totally ill because of my allergy I could not enjoy myself (ok ..there were several different reasons haha ..)

But saturday I went finally out with my loveliest ones ~ (´ O `)/

even though it was a bit chaotic I'm so happy I could met them all again like this !

at BoboQ Düsseldorf with Pia.
and then with Laiyie : D.

Later that day I went to another birthday party and there I constantly talked with the sister of a good friend and we found out that we share more or less the same interest so it was sooo great to spend the evening with her ~ :3.
I love love love making new friends !
(haha I think we're mostly connected to our interested in Kpop (> 3<)" hehe.)

As you ma see I wore my new pink lenses but i'll tell you about them later

tomorrow .. school starts again buhuuu !!!
aaaaand I found out that there is a lovely gym next to my hometown and it's cheap enough for me to train so o'm verry glad about it : D

bye~ (´A`)*


won't be long

yay. finally got my first tattoo done : D.
I was so scared of the pain because i really AM sensitive (´ O `)..
but I nearly fell asleep during the procedure and it felt like .. yeah .. it was ok (^ 3^/)
my skin is still a bit uneven because it's just the second day, haha.

Many people told me before that I may get addicted, haha.
and really, I'm planning my second one but not because I have this one now, I always wanted the year of the birth of my grandpa and maybe later my brother under my arm o_o ..

maybe after japan , .. haha ..
lack of money ;_;

and while talking of Japan I am thinking again - WON'T BE LONG


Dear Bobbie

Dear Bobbie,
Do you remember when you were young and very pretty? I do.
I remember pleated skirts, black and white sattle shoes.
Do you remember dancing that night?
I do, I still think of you when we dance,
Although we cant jitterbug as we did then.

Do you remember when,
How long has it been?
1945 you opened my blue eyes,
To see a whole new life.

Do you remember when,
I told you this that night,
That if you're by my side,
When everyday begins,
I'll fall for you again.
I made a promise when,
I told you this that night.

I'll be fine.
When I die, then I die loving you.
It's alright, I'll be fine.
When I die then I die loving you,
Loving you, loving you.

Do you remember the times we would give up on each other and get back together.
Then we finally was married in 1949.
We drove the yellow convertible all night long.
Do you remember? I do.

Life has led us here,
Together all these years.
This house that we have made,
Holds twenty-thousand days.
And memories we've saved,
Since life has lead us here.

And I'll be fine.
Cause when I die, then I die loving you.
It's alright, I'll be fine.
Cause when I die then I die loving you,
Loving you, loving you.

I'm coming home to you,
Stepping off my shoes.
Resting in my chair.
See you standing there,
The silver in your hair.

I'm coming home to you,
When I lay tonight, when I close my eyes,
I know the sun will rise,
Here or the next life.
As long as your still mine, then its alright.

I'll be fine
Cause when I die, then I die loving you
It's alright, I'll be fine
Cause when I die then I die loving you
Loving you, loving you

You have gray hair now,
But you're a beautiful women,
And the years have been good to both of us.
We walk slow now, but we still have each other.
The glue of love is still bonding us together.
Love is what i remember. Do you remember?


pls guys, never forget the people you love, never.


how bubbly!

Hey Guys!

Yesterday I went to Cologne with Patrzizia !
We wanted to go shopping, have dinner and find the BoBoQ store in Cologne.
After some time we found it and even though it is very small it kind of amazed me !
The people all around were so nice and stylish ! Even the German ones, haha. I'm sorry to say that but I don't see people having style in Cologne
a lot.
Maybe I should visit small streets like this some more : D

I took strawberry with strawberry popping and Patrizia took the Mango one I think (or was it Maracuja .. aah?).
I can really recommend the shop but DON'T take strawberry yoghurt guys its to sweet it killed me!

Actually I took a lovely picture of Patrizia and me with the drinks but my camera ruined it ;____; !!!

So this one has to take its' place even though I look so messy..



New Lenses?

Actually I want to buy new lenses but I can't decide (; 0 ;)
Of course I'll buy them at Pinky Paradise but I have to choose one out of 4 . _ .
I really LOVE the pink ones but they are so unnatural and the first one doesn't even have a black circle (_._)m
and the blue one might be to bright = unnatural & probably scary
My natural color is grey/blue and the brown one would be to fake at all but .. ARG!



aaaah ..

Hey there!

I lost my last hope torwards love because of " たったひとつの恋" (´; O;)
why the heck did Patrizia make me watch it ? (_ . _)'
(ok .. I guess it's gonna develop more happier or whatever because I stopped at episode 9 for now..)
just because of the two of them aaaarg x:

haha i'm so childish sometimes but love in this Dramas has always been this "perfect" to me so my childish soul is to disappointed (;3;)


aaaah .. !
as you can see I already updated my design even though i'm not good at it (;0 ;)
I probably need a personal admin or so x:

anyways in the morning I went to "Extrablatt" to have breakfast with some of my girls from school for Babsis birthday.
It was so relaxing and very delicious (´ 3`)8

after fixing some stuff from my grandpas garage for the upcoming sale tomorrow I found this
hahahaha i really did not have the heart to sell it so I now take care of this thing o_O' ...
childhood memories and stuff, u know ? haha.


updating ..

Since I don't post much and if I post it isn't THAT significant 'o_o I urge myself now to post more interesting and more often ! ;^;
Haha don't have the idea how but i'll do my best !

It's because I want to improve my life as well !
I want to eat more healthy, do more for school, go exercise more often and try to be less bitchy in some ways XD

don't know why i'm writing this down somehow, but let's start (* 3*/)
fighting my lazyness XDDDDD