
Lenses, Baby !

Hey, there !

I finally recieved my lenses about one week ago and I'm already thinking about buying a new pair because they're soo gorgeous (* 0 */)

Even though my eyes are very sensitive I have no problem wearing them about ten hours 4 following days.

Really, sometimes make up is more attaching then them, I'm so glad (´ V`)8

I know everyone ownes them but THEY'RE SO FUC*ING CUTE haha xDD.

Actually they're grey and 14mm so that I can wear them in everydaylife. The color is very near to my natural one so i'm glad with it : D

tödööö !! :DDD

by the way ..

buhu .. I want to be as thin as her (; _ ;)m

1 comment:

Mona ♥ said...

sach mir doch jetzt bitte, wie die heißen ;__; du musst das doch wissen. gugg bitte nach