
dreaming dreaming

Yesterdays evening I went to DDorf with Kio ♥

All the japanese shops are much more lovely and relaxing between 18-19 o'clock because the noisy german teenagers are lying in bed and everything just feels like .. yes, a bit like home : D
I know it's ridicoulus to say XD, anyways.

What I love about those evenings with Kio is talking about everything and dreaming about the future like naive children :3 ♫

so we first did some PURIKURA and then went to Relax

it was really relaxing (haha !)

Kio had Caramell Machiato and I ordered hot chocolate ..
but ! guys we need a new plays to meet or hang on ; __ ;
everything there got so expensive !!!
I mean - who wants to pay 5 euro for our mango ice tea ? (´; 3;)

bad bad bad.


Piia said...

Verarsch mich nicht!! o___ö
Spinnen die oder was?XD
Ist wahrschienlich als abschreckung für die kleinen Visu Kinder oder so....

O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo? said...

Sollten wir häufiger machen wie ich finde : D

Aber ja. 4,80€ Ö__Ö''
Ziemlich...abnormal xD