
Last hours of my life

Baaah .. tomorrow school starts again ..
I even hate the tought of it .. everthing is soo boring ; _ ;

So today I felt like uploading the latest random pictures xD

Last Week I met a friend who just came back from Japan so we could talk about all the lovely things he experenced and ha much fun doing so : D
Aaaaand .. he smoked Mild seven lights and stuff as you MAY see on the picture above ;p


it's kaijse,man ! Kio & I took him with us as we had breakfast at Bakery my Heart but Blogger doesn't want to uplod his picture (=.=)/

In the morning my boyfriend and me finally watched :

I never thought it would be as bad as it really was ..
Honestly I was so mad .. there were many easy things to improve the movie. It starts at bulmas hair (she only has two blue streaks) and ends with the fact that Goku never ever went to High school neither got bullied there ..

Anyways watching the movie and comparing it to the series made me want to see te series again (; 3;) ..

sorry for the long entry o.o


O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo? said...
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O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo? said...

Der kleine Kaijse! <33
Dann bin ich aber froh, dass wir den Dragon Ball Film NICHT gesehen hatten xDD

pupsi said...

.. ich hab den film nich ma zu ende geschaut.. wobei ichs vll hätte tun solln.. vll schau ich den nochmal. um wirklich mitreden zu können..
ich fand halt allein songoku schon.. zu ernsthaft..

das bild von dir is sehr süß <3

und danke für den lieben kommentar zu meinem foto, das ne freundin schoss.. <3