
Yesterday was "MAXIMUM THE HORMONE" time : D
maaaan, it was just awsome !
thanks for the great concert guys !

(by the way i am so proud I could understand their Japanese a bit m
ore than last time,yay)

Since Lydia and I were forever alone at home she spent the night at my place and we decided to watch "15" by Roystan Tan.
I saw them about 6 years ago only in Chinese without any subtitles so it was great we could finally watch it with English subs!
I can really recommend it because it shows a different side of the youth in Singapore and everything is so authentic because they used real kids from the streets as actors!
thumbs up.

Then we wanted something funny so we watched "Go Go Gboys" XD

woah it was SO gay but also funny and touching ! (by the way I prefer taiwanese movie kisses because they are different from those fu*king wall kisses as seen in korean and japanese dramas =_=')
Can recommend it as well .. but .. you have to come along with a lot of eeeeh queerness or so,haha (´x 3 x)

And on the evening I was forever alone again XD so I wanted to watch the short movie "Just Friends?"

it was pure sugar ! but way to short and - for me - there were to many questions left at the end ;_; (I think it's about 40 minutes or so) but still deals with some 'gay issues' that need to be mentioned to be a authentic gay movie, haha. (you know, like problems with parents or in the job)

yes .. since I had a long time watching Drama stuff I just needed this bunch of gayness XD

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